05 Jan You Can Help “Warm Up to Winnipeg”
Until January 20, 2020 you can make a donation of a scarf that will help a newly arrived refugee and where the funds raised will be donated to the Stephen Lewis Foundation’s Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign.
Warm Up to Winnipeg has been a great win-win-win fundraiser. Knitters around Winnipeg have been generously donating scarves to Grands ‘n’ More for several years. Grands ‘n’ More volunteers have been wrapping and taking these scarves to sales and events around the city and “selling” them to the public. Instead of taking the scarf home with them, the buyer signs their name on a tag and the scarf is then donated to Welcome Place to help keep a new refugee warm through their first Winnipeg winter. The funds raised go to the Stephen Lewis Foundation to support programs that help African Grandmothers who are raising and supporting their grandchildren who have bee orphaned due to the AIDS pandemic.
Over the nine years this “little” project has been running, over 3,200 scarves have been donated to Welcome Place and approximately $31,000 has been donated to the Stephan Lewis Foundation.
Currently we have over 100 scarves on hand, but limited opportunities to sell them. Thus, the project is winding down. BUT we want to get the scarves donated THIS WINTER to the people who need then, AND still raise funds for the Stephen Lewis Foundation’s Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign.

Please consider donating a scarf – or scarves – to newly-arrived refugees at Welcome Place. It will be $10 for each scarf.
You can donate a scarf (or two or three) by sending a cheque made out to Grands’n’More Winnipeg, C/O 66 Crestwood Cres., R2J 1H6. A scarf (or scarves) will be donated in your name – OR, in the name of whoever you wish to honour with such a donation; please include that information with your cheque.